A solar heating system in greenhouse driven by Fresnel lens concentrator is built in this study. This system uses a soil thermal storage for greenhouse to supply heat in the absence of sunlight, ensuring the safety of the growth of crops. The structure and working principle of the device are introduced in this paper. The underground soil temperature was tested, compared with the indoor and outdoor temperature. The experimental testing result is given. A research shows that when the heating pipe buried 1.65 m underground, the time of heat transfer to the ground is about 5 days. The overall temperature rise of the soil is about 4 °C. In the condition of the coldest weather without additional energy supplement, the greenhouse's temperature is guaranteed above 8 °C, which can ensure the minimum temperature requirements of crop growth. According to the structural parameters of the existing system, the simulation of underground soil heat transfer and heat storage performance was carried out. Then, the temperature curves of different buried depths of the tube are given. The soil temperature steady time in different pipe-buried depths of heat storage temperature is theoretically calculated. It is proved that, to achieve the seasonal thermal storage in this system, the buried depth of the pipe should be over 2.5 m.
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February 2019
Study on the Performance of a Curved Fresnel Solar Concentrated System With Seasonal Underground Heat Storage for the Greenhouse Application
Zhiyong Li,
Zhiyong Li
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
College of Architecture Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
College of Architecture Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
Search for other works by this author on:
Xinglong Ma,
Xinglong Ma
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
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Yunsheng Zhao,
Yunsheng Zhao
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
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Hongfei Zheng
Hongfei Zheng
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
e-mail: hongfeizh@bit.edu.cn
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
e-mail: hongfeizh@bit.edu.cn
Search for other works by this author on:
Zhiyong Li
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
College of Architecture Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China;
College of Architecture Engineering,
North China University of Technology,
Beijing 100144, China
Xinglong Ma
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Yunsheng Zhao
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
Hongfei Zheng
School of Mechanical Engineering,
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
e-mail: hongfeizh@bit.edu.cn
Beijing Institute of Technology,
Beijing 100081, China
e-mail: hongfeizh@bit.edu.cn
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING: INCLUDING WIND ENERGY AND BUILDING ENERGY CONSERVATION. Manuscript received November 23, 2017; final manuscript received June 27, 2018; published online August 20, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Ming Qu.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Feb 2019, 141(1): 011004 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 20, 2018
Article history
November 23, 2017
June 27, 2018
Li, Z., Ma, X., Zhao, Y., and Zheng, H. (August 20, 2018). "Study on the Performance of a Curved Fresnel Solar Concentrated System With Seasonal Underground Heat Storage for the Greenhouse Application." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. February 2019; 141(1): 011004. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4040839
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