This paper evaluates the effectiveness of phase change materials (PCMs) for the improvement of summer thermal comfort in lightweight buildings. Experiments have been carried out using PCM in the form of DuPont Energain wallboards in combination with a roof. Two factors influencing the effectiveness of PCM (thickness and location of PCM layer) have been investigated. An experimental study was carried out using two identical test cavities submitted to Casablanca weather. Thermal performance such as the roof surface temperatures and heat flux densities, through the envelope, have been studied. The results indicated that, compared with reference room (without PCM), the thermal storage allows solar radiation to be stored and released up to 6–7 h after solar irradiation; this has effects on both the reduction of daily temperature swings (up to 2 °C) and heat flux (more than 88%). It has been proved that the PCM with a thickness of 10.52 mm on the outer face of the roof has good thermal insulation effect and energy efficiency potential.
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December 2017
Thermal Behavior of a Building Provided With Phase-Change Materials on the Roof and Exposed to Solar Radiation
Amina Mourid,
Amina Mourid
Laboratory of Physical Materials,
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
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Mustapha El Alami
Mustapha El Alami
Laboratory of Physical Materials,
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Search for other works by this author on:
Amina Mourid
Laboratory of Physical Materials,
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Mustapha El Alami
Laboratory of Physical Materials,
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
Microelectronics, Automatics and
Heat Transfer (LPMMAT),
Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock,
Université Hassan II de Casablanca,
Casablanca 20100, Morocco
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING. Manuscript received May 18, 2017; final manuscript received August 27, 2017; published online September 28, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Ming Qu.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Dec 2017, 139(6): 061012 (10 pages)
Published Online: September 28, 2017
Article history
May 18, 2017
August 27, 2017
Mourid, A., and El Alami, M. (September 28, 2017). "Thermal Behavior of a Building Provided With Phase-Change Materials on the Roof and Exposed to Solar Radiation." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. December 2017; 139(6): 061012.
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