Towards assessing the creep-fatigue damage for the inner vessel of a pool-type fast reactor, 3-D elastic and axisymmetric inelastic analysis with classical kinematic hardening model, ORNL material model and more realistic CHABOCHE visco-plastic model have been performed. The material properties of stainless steel type 316 LN at various temperatures are used in the analysis. Using the results of this analysis, the creep-fatigue damage and ratcheting are assessed as per the rules of RCC-MR and results have been compared for the various constitutive models used. Inelastic analysis has been performed only at highly stressed local regions. Computations with the ORNL material model is found to be satisfactory in terms of conservatism and computer cost involved, and hence recommended for use in the design stage. Further, conservatism in estimating the creep fatigue-damage of the component associated with the elastic route of RCC-MR has been quantified. The inelastic and viscoplastic analysis tool has been validated using experimental benchmark problems.

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