Nickel-based superalloys have a wide range of high-temperature applications such as turbine blades. The complex geometries of these applications and the specific properties of the materials raise difficulties in the surface finishing. Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) has proven effective in finishing the complex geometries. In MAF, the magnetic properties of the workpiece, tool, and abrasive play important roles in controlling finishing characteristics. This paper presents the effects of nickel coating on the abrasive behavior during finishing and resulting finishing characteristics of Ni-based superalloys. The Ni-coated diamond abrasive is more attracted to the magnet than the Ni-based superalloy surface. As a result, fewer Ni-coated diamond abrasive particles, which are stuck between the magnetic-particle brush and the target surface, participate in surface finishing. Because of this, coupled with the reduced sharpness of abrasive cutting edges due to the coating, Ni-coated diamond abrasive cannot effectively smooth the target surface in MAF. However, the Ni coating is worn off during finishing of the hard, rough, additively manufactured surface. Then, the diamond abrasive participates in finishing as uncoated diamond abrasive and facilitates the material removal, finishing the target surface.