We would like to extend an apology to the authors of the following two papers that were inadvertently switched in the publication schedule. Both papers will be linked to the correct issues in the online journal.

  • 1

    A Thermodynamic Framework for Viscoplasticity Based on Overstress (VBO)

  • 2

    Richard B. Hall

The printed version of this paper appeared in the October 2005 issue, but should have appeared in this issue.
  • 1

    Self-Folding and Unfolding of Carbon Nanotubes

  • 2

    Markus J. Buehler, Yong Kong, Huajian Gao, and Yonggang Huang

This paper should have appeared in the October 2005 Special Section on Nanomaterials and Nanomechanics, but is printed in this issue.