This article focuses on combustion instabilities (CI) driven by entropy fluctuations which is of great importance in practical devices. A simplified geometry is introduced. It keeps the essential features of an aeronautical combustion chamber (swirler, dilution holes, and outlet nozzle), while it is simplified sufficiently to ease the analysis (rectangular vane, one row of holes of the same diameter, no diffuser at the inlet of the chamber, and circular nozzle at the outlet). A large eddy simulation (LES) is carried out on this geometry and the limit cycle of a strong CI involving the convection of an entropy spot is obtained. The behavior of the instability is analyzed using phenomenological description and classical signal analysis. One shows that the system can be better described by considering two reacting zones: a rich mainly premixed flame is located downstream of the swirler and an overall lean diffusion flame is stabilized next to the dilution holes. In a second step, dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is used to visualize, analyze, and model the complex phasing between different processes affecting the reacting zones. Using these data, a zero-dimensional (0D) modeling of the premixed flame and of the diffusion flame is proposed. These models provide an extended understanding of the combustion process in an aeronautical combustor and could be used or adapted to address mixed acoustic-entropy CI in an acoustic code.
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March 2018
Mixed Acoustic-Entropy Combustion Instabilities in a Model Aeronautical Combustor: Large Eddy Simulation and Reduced Order Modeling
Florent Lacombe,
Florent Lacombe
Safran Aircraft Engines,
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
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Yoann Méry
Yoann Méry
Safran Aircraft Engines,
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Search for other works by this author on:
Florent Lacombe
Safran Aircraft Engines,
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Yoann Méry
Safran Aircraft Engines,
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Rond-Point René Ravaud,
Moissy Cramayel 77550, France
Contributed by the Combustion and Fuels Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 13, 2017; final manuscript received July 27, 2017; published online October 25, 2017. Editor: David Wisler.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Mar 2018, 140(3): 031506 (10 pages)
Published Online: October 25, 2017
Article history
July 13, 2017
July 27, 2017
Lacombe, F., and Méry, Y. (October 25, 2017). "Mixed Acoustic-Entropy Combustion Instabilities in a Model Aeronautical Combustor: Large Eddy Simulation and Reduced Order Modeling." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. March 2018; 140(3): 031506.
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