The separation of a shear-driven thin liquid film from a sharp corner is studied in this paper. Partial or complete mass separation at a sharp corner is affected by two different mechanisms: liquid film inertia, which affects liquid mass separation through force imbalance at the sharp corner, and large amplitude waves (LAW) at the interface, which contributes to liquid instability at the corner. Experimental results for liquid Ref number that varies from 100 to 300 and mean film thickness from 130 to 290 μm show that both film inertia and LAW effects correlate to mass separation results. The results suggest that while both inertia of the film substrate and LAW effects enhance the mass separation, the correlations between LAW characteristics and mass separation results provide better insight into the onset of separation and the impact of the gas phase velocity on separation for the conditions studied.
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August 2018
Effect of Large Amplitude Waves and Film Inertia on Mass Separation at a Sharp Corner
Zahra Sadeghizadeh,
Zahra Sadeghizadeh
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Search for other works by this author on:
James A. Drallmeier
James A. Drallmeier
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Search for other works by this author on:
Zahra Sadeghizadeh
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
James A. Drallmeier
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
Department of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering,
Missouri University of Science and Technology,
Rolla, MO 5409-0050
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received August 22, 2017; final manuscript received February 23, 2018; published online March 29, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Wayne Strasser.
J. Fluids Eng. Aug 2018, 140(8): 081301 (10 pages)
Published Online: March 29, 2018
Article history
August 22, 2017
February 23, 2018
Sadeghizadeh, Z., and Drallmeier, J. A. (March 29, 2018). "Effect of Large Amplitude Waves and Film Inertia on Mass Separation at a Sharp Corner." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. August 2018; 140(8): 081301.
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