Recent laboratory and field studies indicated that polymer-based in situ gelled acids can cause formation damage. Coreflood experiments using single-stage and multistage acids were conducted at 250 °F. 15 wt. % regular HCl and 5 wt. % in situ gelled acid-based on Fe(III) as a crosslinker were the acids that were used in this study. Propagation of acids and crosslinker inside 20 in. long cores was examined for the first time in detail. Stage volume and injection rate, which were the parameters that affect the propagating of various chemical species, were examined. Samples of the core effluent were collected and the concentrations of calcium, crosslinker, and acid were measured. Material balance was conducted to determine the amount of cross-liker that retained in the core. The results show that in situ gelled acid should be pumped at low injection rates. In situ gelled acid at low injection rate instantaneously plugged the tip of the wormhole and did not create additional wormholes inside the core. Therefore, when the final regular acid stage bypassed the gel, it started to propagate from nearly the last point that the first stage ended. In site gelled acid stage volume should not exceed 0.5 PV. No benefits were gained by increasing the volume of in situ gelled acids. Retention of total iron in the core increased in multistage acid treatments, especially at low acid injection rates.
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June 2011
Research Papers
Propagation of Regular HCl Acids in Carbonate Rocks: The Impact of an In Situ Gelled Acid Stage
Ahmed M. Gomaa,
Ahmed M. Gomaa
Petroleum Engineering Department Texas A&M University
507 Richardson Building, College Station, TX 77843
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Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din
Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din
Petroleum Engineering Department Texas A&M University
507 Richardson Building, College Station, TX 77843
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Ahmed M. Gomaa
Petroleum Engineering Department Texas A&M University
507 Richardson Building, College Station, TX 77843e-mail:
Hisham A. Nasr-El-Din
Petroleum Engineering Department Texas A&M University
507 Richardson Building, College Station, TX 77843e-mail:
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Jun 2011, 133(2): 023101 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 26, 2011
Article history
October 13, 2010
March 30, 2011
May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
Gomaa, A. M., and Nasr-El-Din, H. A. (May 26, 2011). "Propagation of Regular HCl Acids in Carbonate Rocks: The Impact of an In Situ Gelled Acid Stage." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. June 2011; 133(2): 023101.
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