In this paper, a novel active yaw stabilizer (AYS) system is proposed for improving vehicle lateral stability control. The introduced AYS, inspired by the recent in-wheel motor (IWM) technology, has two degrees-of-freedom with independent self-rotating and orbiting movements. The dynamic model of the AYS is first developed. The capability of the AYS is then investigated to show its maximum generation of corrective lateral forces and yaw moments, given a limited vehicle space. Utilizing the high-level Lyapunov-based control design and the low-level control allocation design, a hierarchical control architecture is established to integrate the AYS control with active front steering (AFS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC). To demonstrate the advantages of the AYS, generating corrective lateral force and yaw moment without relying on tire–road interaction, double lane change maneuvers are studied on road with various tire–road friction coefficients. Co-simulation results, integrating CarSim® and MATLAB/Simulink®, successfully verify that the vehicle with the assistance of the AYS system has better lateral dynamics stabilizing performance, compared with cases in which only AFS or DYC is applied.
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August 2018
Dynamics and Control of a Novel Active Yaw Stabilizer to Enhance Vehicle Lateral Motion Stability
Fengchen Wang,
Fengchen Wang
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7442 E. Tillman Ave, SIM 140,
Mesa, AZ 85212
Arizona State University,
7442 E. Tillman Ave, SIM 140,
Mesa, AZ 85212
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Yan Chen
Yan Chen
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7171 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, PRLTA 330M,
Mesa, AZ 85212
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7171 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, PRLTA 330M,
Mesa, AZ 85212
Search for other works by this author on:
Fengchen Wang
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7442 E. Tillman Ave, SIM 140,
Mesa, AZ 85212
Arizona State University,
7442 E. Tillman Ave, SIM 140,
Mesa, AZ 85212
Yan Chen
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7171 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, PRLTA 330M,
Mesa, AZ 85212
The Polytechnic School,
Arizona State University,
7171 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, PRLTA 330M,
Mesa, AZ 85212
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT,AND CONTROL. Manuscript received January 28, 2017; final manuscript received January 18, 2018; published online March 13, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Azim Eskandarian.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Aug 2018, 140(8): 081007 (9 pages)
Published Online: March 13, 2018
Article history
January 28, 2017
January 18, 2018
Wang, F., and Chen, Y. (March 13, 2018). "Dynamics and Control of a Novel Active Yaw Stabilizer to Enhance Vehicle Lateral Motion Stability." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. August 2018; 140(8): 081007.
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